100 Million NOK allocated before Christmas: grants to 139 plastic projects

Today, 139 projects received positive news from the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund. Grants to various initiatives have been awarded, including creating reusable fish crates and inspiring youth to find futureproof plastic solutions.

Published: 14.December, 2023
Last updated: 16.December, 2023

The funds of the Norwegian Retailers’ Environmental Fund originate from the sale of plastic carrier bags purchased by Norwegian consumers from the fund's member retailers. Over 100 million NOK has been awarded to a total of 139 exciting projects aimed at solving Norway's plastic problems.

– We administer these funds on behalf of our members and the Norwegian people. Consequently, we are all contributing to cleaning up plastic from our beaches, reducing plastic usage, and increasing plastic recycling. Funding these grants is a significant privilege, and for those of us working in the fund, this is undeniably the highlight of the year, states Cecilie Lind, the CEO of the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund.

For an overview of all the projects that received a grant from the plastic bag levy this week, click here.

22 Million NOK to volunteer cleanup heroes

94 projects have received good news about grants to clean up their local communities.

– The recipients span from sports teams to school classes, scouts, and diving clubs—all united by the common goal of addressing litter in their local areas and dedicating their time to clean it up. These projects are truly some of the nicest initiatives we fund, says Lind.

For a list of the projects receiving support for voluntary cleanup, visit this link.

Enormous focus on increased recycling and reuse

The fund is also allocating 75 million NOK to 44 circular plastics projects.

– In this category, you'll find projects aiming to reduce, improve, or optimise our use of plastics. These initiatives have the potential to cut several thousand tons of plastic, and this year, we've funded incredibly exciting projects. For instance, plastic bag funding will support the development of reusable fish crates, the refurbishment of discarded sailboats for children, and more environmentally friendly football events, says Lind.

To see the list of projects receiving support in the circular plastics projects category, click here.

Aiming to boost youth engagement again

Many indicators point in the wrong direction for youth environmental engagement, with many youth feeling that their efforts are in vain and their voices go unheard.

– We have tried to address the issue this year by initiating a project where we have contacted youth organisations to find good collaboration opportunities, says Lind.

This initiative has led to, amongst other outcomes, the inclusion of plastics on the agenda of the organisation Ungt Entreprenørskap. They've just received the exciting news that they will be granted 5 million NOK for launching a two-year initiative targeting student-run businesses in middle school.

– Our plan is to present specific plastic-related problems that student businesses can work on, challenges that demand tangible solutions and can inspire students to make a difference alongside us," says Lind. – We have great faith that young, bright minds can come up with solutions that no one has thought of before, and we eagerly anticipate seeing the innovative ideas that student businesses will generate, says Lind.