Largest grant in the fund's history

The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund has awarded the largest grant in the fund’s history. A total of NOK 105 million are awarded to 123 environmental projects, of which over NOK 22 million are awarded to 9 international projects. Countries with major plastic pollution challenges and limited resources have been prioritized.

© Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund

Published: 25.January, 2021
Last updated: 26.January, 2021

- There have been many solid applications and tough prioritizations. It bodes well for the environment that so many talented people will do so much about the environmental issues due to plastics, says Rasmus Hansson, CEO in the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund.

This autumn (2020), the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund announced more than NOK 100 million for measures to reduce the environmental issues due to plastics. The Fund received over 500 applications. The applications were first assessed by the Fund’s administration, then by an independent, an external advisory board. The final grant decision was made by the Fund’s board. A total of NOK 105 million are awarded to 123 environmental projects, of which over NOK 22 million are awarded to 9 international projects.

Improving the management of plastics globally

The projects that receive funding, span a wide range of environmental areas and geography. As for the international measures, the countries with major plastic pollution challenges and limited resources have been prioritized. The objective for the international grants, has been to improve the management of plastics. The awarded grants will, among other things, help reducing emissions of microplastics from the textile industry in China, and collect, manage and recycle at least 120 tonnes of plastics each year in Mali and Uganda in Africa.

- Congratulations to the projects now receiving grants. We have high expectations and wish them all the best of luck. And for those who were not as lucky this time, there will be another chance during the year, so stay tuned and look for updates on our website, says Hansson.

The next announcement and opportunity to apply will be autumn 2021.